What are the services:
The services of Go For Digital on www.gofordigitalindia.com is provided by Sargun Digital Services Private Limited (or Sargun Digiserve hereon), a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) with Corporate Identity U74999RJ2017PTC058527 and having its registered office at B-173, Kamla Vihar, Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India. Go For Digital (or G4DI hereon) carries on the business of providing information about Business Entities, individual or organizations, offering various products and services in selected states and cities of India to end users. G4DI provides users with its classified search service with information in form of images, videos, details of business along with contacts of the businesses offering products and services in India. G4DI Service is available on multiple platforms like Internet and Mobile Internet and will also be available on Telephone (Voice, Text & SMS) in near future. G4DI is merely a platform where users can find relevant information about products and services listed on our website; however it does not guarantee business to its advertisers. Advertisers request the listing of their business with the objective of providing information to prospective buyers on the website as well as to users of search engines looking to find businesses in their local market. To advertise and publish business information on gofordigitalindia.com, advertisers must agree to our listing policy and terms of service.
Business Houses, Small Medium Enterprises, Corporate or semi corporate entities, establishments or individuals may subscribe to our Business Listing Services in exchange of prescribed fee as applicable for an agreed duration in order to offer their products and services. G4DI will only provide the information as provided by the respective advertiser and does not guarantee any business to the advertiser.
Prohibited List:
G4DI does not permit listing of businesses which offer Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor, tobacco products, drugs, psychotropic substances, narcotics, intoxicants of any description, palliative/curative substances nor shall you provide link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of items, goods or services that are prohibited under any applicable law for the time being in force including but not limited to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the Drugs And Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 Narcotic Drug and Prohibited Substances Act and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
Duplicate Listings:
Any ad posted more than once with the same content or Title in the same city and category would be considered as a Duplicate Ad. If you have multiple products and services to offer, post in different category. All duplicate ads would be deleted. If problem persists, advertisers / agencies will be penalized as per company policy.
G4DI will charge a prescribed fee for the ads published. The fee will vary according to the content, duration, category and placement of the listing. Such fee may vary time to time and will include all applicable Government taxes. The fee will be non refundable. The fee may be paid to authorized ad agencies or to the company directly. The mode of payment shall be Cash, Cheque or through electric medium. Listing will be published once the payment is realized.
G4DI has a team of Ad Agencies who have been trained to list businesses. Interested advertisers may also contact G4DI directly to request listing. Allow upto 5 working days if you have requested your listing by sending email. The applicable full fee shall have to be paid in advance.